Koutmos Panayiotis
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- Koutmos Panayiotis
Koutmos Panayiotis
Academic position: Associate Professor
Biographic Notes
Dipl. Eng. in Mech. Eng. (First Class Honors), University of Patras (1981), PhD, DIC in Mech. Eng., Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (London, 1985). Scholarships/Grants from Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG, 1977), Rolls-Royce plc (U.K, 1982). Awards from, TCG (1981), Inst. of Mechanical Engineers (U.K, 1989). He has worked as Research/Senior Research Assistant at Fluids Section, Imperial College (1981-90) and as Lecturer (1991-93), Assistant Professor (1993-99), Associate Professor (1999-present) at the Dept. of Mech. & Aero. Eng., University of Patras. He is Director of the Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics (2001-present) and has served as Director of the Energy, Environment and Aeronautics Section (2002-03), Dept of Mech. & Aero. Eng., University of Patras.
His teaching and research interests lie in the field of Experimental and Computational Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Combustion with emphasis on turbulent reacting flows, combustion and aerothermodynamics of IC engines, combustion noise/instabilities/emissions/kinetics with funding and support from the European Community, the Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology, the local industry and the University funds. He has served as reviewer in international journals and has published over sixty articles and conference proceedings papers.
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Marazioti, P. and Koutmos, P. (2009) “Simulations of combustion roar in turbulent attached and lifted turbulent methane jet flames” Journal of Engineering Transactions, CAMES
Marazioti, P., Koutmos, P and Giannakis, G. (2007) “A global oxidation scheme for propane-air combustion suitable for use into complex reacting flow computations” Journal of Engineering Transactions, CAMES, Vol. 55, No 4, pp 293-316.
KOUTMOS, P. AND MAVRIDIS, C. (2000) “A study of partial extinction and reignition effects in turbulent jet flames of CH4 and CO/H2/N2 with a two-scalar reactedness-mixture fraction PDF model” COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 154, pp. 31-55.
KOUTMOS, P. (1999),”A Damkohler number description of local extinction in turbulent CH4 jet diffusion flames”, FUEL, 78(5), pp. 623-626.
BAKROZIS, A., PAPAILIOU, D. AND KOUTMOS, P. (1999) “An experimental study of turbulent non-premixed reacting wakes past a 2D square cylinder”, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 119, pp. 291-306.
KOUROUNIS, A., PAPAILIOU, D. AND KOUTMOS, P. (1998)”A turbulent boundary layer-wake interaction study” PROGRESS IN ASTRONAUTICS AND AERONAUTICS (AIAA), 182, pp. 191-208.
KALOGIROU, I., PAPAILIOU, D. AND KOUTMOS, P.(1996)”Turbulent mixing processes in a low NOx (RQL) combustor module” 26th INT. SYMPOSIUM ON COMBUSTION, THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, NAPLES, ITALY, JULY 28-AUGUST 2.
KOUTMOS, P. (1995) “Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow within a convoluted trailing edge mixer”, INT. JOURNAL OF FLIGHT SCIENCES AND SPACE RESEARCH, 18, pp. 383-389.
KOUTMOS, P. AND McGUIRK, J.J. (1991) “Isothermal modelling of gas turbine combustors: A computational study”, JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER (AIAA), 7 (6), pp. 1064-1071.
KOUTMOS, P. AND McGUIRK, J.J. (1984) “Internal flow field measurements in a model can-type gas turbine combustion chamber” “LASER ANEMOMETRY IN FLUID MECHANICS”, Adrian, R.J.; Durao, D.F.G.; Durst, F.; Mishina,H.; Whitelaw, J.H. (EDS.), LADOAN PUBL., pp. 305-317.
Postgraduate Study Program
- Thermofluids, Turbulence and Combustion
Undergraduate Study Program
Industrial Internship (Energy Aeronautics Environment)
COURSE CONTENT The content of the course is not specified due to its nature – depended on the internship placement. The number of the...
Industrial Internship (Aeronautics Engineering)
COURSE CONTENT The content of the course is not specified due to its nature – depended on the internship placement. The number of the...
Heat Transfer II
COURSE CONTENT Introduction. Heat convection phenomenology. Newton law of cooling. Pi theorem. Dimensional analysis. Nondimensional Numbers. Forced convection. Free convection. Working correlations for forced...
Theory and Modeling of Turbulence Flows
COURSE CONTENT Introduction. Turbulence phenomenology. Methodological approaches. Turbulent diffusion. Turbulence scales. Turbulent transport. Reynolds averaging. Reynolds stresses. Turbulent heat transfer. Wall shear flows. Turbulence...
Combustion and Pollutants
COURSE CONTENT Introduction, background, objectives, applications. Chemical thermodynamics, stoichiometry, adiabatic flame temperature, fuels. Chemical kinetics, Arrhenius law, reaction types and rates, elementary, multi-step and...
Design of Air Vehicles
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to conceptual design of air vehicles. Design specifications. Calculation of weights. Sensitivity of maximum aircraft weight to basic parameters. Calculation of...
Aeroacoustics and Noise of Air Vehicles II
COURSE CONTENT Basic principles of aeroacoustics and their application in the study of aircraft noise generation. Types of sound sources: monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles, arrays....
On measurements of air- traffic noise
COURSE CONTENT Microphones, sound level meters, pre-amplifiers, amplifiers, calibrators (types, characteristics, operation principles and selection criteria). Acoustic measurement techniques (outdoors, indoors). Acoustic signal processing...