Philippidis Theodore
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- Philippidis Theodore
Philippidis Theodore
Academic position: Associate Professor
Biographic Notes
Birth date: 09.09.1958
Birthplace: Athens, Greece
1989: Doctorate in Applied Mechanics, The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
1986: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, NTUA
Academic Positions
1990-1993: Lecturer, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Uni. Patras, Greece
1993-1998: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Uni. Patras, Greece
1998-2000: Assistant Professor (Tenure), Dept. of Mech. Eng., Uni. Patras, Greece
2000-present: Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng. & Aeronautics, Uni. Patras, Greece
Research Activities:
Mechanics of composite materials, Anisotropic elasticity, NDT and inspection techniques, Numerical and analytical methods in structural analysis, Design of composite rotor blades and manufacturing technologies. Progressive damage mechanics, life prediction under spectrum loading, probabilistic methods in the design of composite structures.
Scientific responsible/Research Associate in over 36 international and national research projects. He has published 70 refereed journal papers, 4 book chapters, Editor of 2 books, Guest-Editor of NDT&E, 40 papers in national & international conference proceedings. Reviewer in many scientific journals.
Google Scholar: Philippidis Theodore
Mechanics (Statics)
COURSE CONTENT Introduction to Mechanics, basic concepts and fundamental principles, Force action-reaction models, Force and moment systems, Vector algebra, Free body diagrams, Mass center-distributed...
Mechanics of Composite Materials
COURSE CONTENT Mechanical behavior of orthotropic composite materials, Introduction to anisotropic elasticity theory, failure theories for orthotropic composites, Classical laminate plate theory (CLPT), Laminated...
Design with Composite Materials
COURSE CONTENT Stress analysis in laminated structural elements made of FRP composites, 3D elastic constants of a laminated structure, Thermal expansion coefficients, Failure of...