Polatidis Efthymios
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Polatidis Efthymios
Academic position: Assistant Professor
Efthymios Polatidis is an Assistant Professor at the University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials. Prior to his appointment, he was tenured beamline scientist, responsible for the POLDI neutron diffractometer of SINQ, at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.
Efthymios’ interests lie in understanding the relationship between microstructure, inherited by manufacturing and processing of materials, and their mechanical and functional properties. His experimental work focuses on materials characterization using large scale facilities, in particular diffraction methods, studying the deformation mechanisms and phase transformations and residual strains in engineering materials. His past work involved the development and utilization of novel sample environments for large scale facilities and electron microscopes.
His research has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), by the Strategic Focus Area (SFA) Advanced Manufacturing of Switzerland and by internal funding at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. He has supervised and co-supervised 4 PhD students and 4 Postdoctoral researchers.
Biographic Notes
- 2007: Diploma Mechanical Engineering at the University of Thessally, in Volos, Greece.
- 2012: PhD in Materials Science, School of Materials at the University of Manchester UK.
- 2013-2016 Postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany
- 2016-2018 Postdoctoral researcher at the Photon Science Division, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland.
- 2018-2023 Tenured beamline scientist on the POLDI neutron diffractometer of SINQ
- 2023-Currently Assistant Professor position at the University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials
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Aeronautical Materials
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Material Science I
COURSE CONTENT Atomic structure, atomic forces and bonds. Crystallic and amorphous structure of solid materials – Equilibrium conditions and phase diagrams – Thermally activated...
Material Science II
COURSE CONTENT Mechanical and technological properties (impact, hardness, wear, tribological properties, weldability, machinability, rollability) – Improvement of mechanical properties of metallic materials (strengthening mechanisms,...
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
COURSE CONTENT Atomic structure of materials, Structure of metallic materials: Crystal structure, structure imperfections, microstructure hardening mechanisms; Structure of composite materials: Definition, Components, Architecture,...